The IRS admitted it targeted conservatives. It even apologized.

Each day more details of IRS corruption and collusion come out.

Yet, President Obama says there’s “not even a smidgen of corruption.” His Administration appointed a top Obama political donor to investigate the scandal. The IRS has delayed and stonewalled congressional investigations.

One thing is clear. The Obama Administration continues to deceive Americans about the politically-motivated, well-orchestrated scheme to unlawfully target conservative groups.

It is time to appoint Special Counsel – an independent investigator – that can cut through the Administration's deflection and delays. Stand with us and demand justice.

Petition to Demand Special Counsel to Investigate the IRS Scandal

To: Attorney General Holder

It’s time to get to the truth. It’s time to appoint Special Counsel – an independent investigator – to probe IRS abuse.


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Stop the Obama Administration Stonewalling; Demand Justice

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