Petition to Defend Israel; Don’t Cripple Its Borders

Israel is about to be betrayed on the world stage.

There are reports that in its final days the Administration is plotting to use the U.N. Security Council against Israel.

It’s a renewed attempt to abandon Israel, slash its borders, leave it defenseless, and force our greatest ally in the Middle East to make dangerous concessions to terrorists before negotiations even begin.

Palestinian terrorists have launched over 300 attacks on Israelis – literally stabbing women and children in the back – murdering Israeli civilians and American citizens.

We must not force Israel into talks with terrorists.

We’ve successfully defended our ally Israel for decades – on Capitol Hill, at the U.N., and before international courts. Now, we’re mobilizing our office in Jerusalem, preparing critical legal letters, documents, and filings.

Don’t abandon our ally. Jerusalem should be united, not divided. Take action with us today.