Defending Your Rights and our Religious Heritage


Jordan Sekulow

August 19, 2011

1 min read

American Heritage



Recently, a concerned citizen appeared on Fox News in defense of several cross memorials that have stood on public land in San Diego, California for over a century. She quoted Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, in defense of another cross memorial in the Mojave Desert, that the public display of religious monuments is not a violation of the Constitution.

We commend everyone who takes a stand to protect the symbols of our religious heritage in their communities. That is why we have provided Legal Resources on our website. We encourage you to take a look at the Legal Documents we have filed and the Key Issue Briefs our attorneys have prepared – over 45 short legal memos prepared to help you understand and defend your rights: from School Prayer to Religious Expression at Work. We believe it is important that you are equipped to defend your rights and our heritage.