The United States has no law stopping gender-based abortions. Because of the aggressive pro-abortion lobby not only are we behind China in prohibiting gender-based abortions, we are a destination for people seeking these abortions.

Planned Parenthood has been caught on video again, this time promoting the abortion of a child because she is a little girl. This is horrific, and the ACLJ is working to pass legislation that would outlaw abortions based solely on the sex of the unborn child.

The time to act is now. Send a powerful message to Congress and call for the passage of this life-saving legislation today.

Petition to Make Gender-Based Abortions Illegal

To: Every Member of Congress

It is an outrage that the United States has no law in place to stop gender-selection abortions. We have condemned China for its abortion practices, but even they have restrictions in place on gender-based abortions. 77% of Americans support ending “gendercide.” Pass Rep. Franks bill in both the House and Senate immediately.



End Gender-Selection Abortions Now

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